Application: For Electric Control System of Communication Power Supply、Engineering Machine、Electro-motion Forklift、Motor Car、Train、Watercraft and UPS etc.
01 產品型號含義 Nomination(nomogram)
02 特殊說明 Special Instructions
產品線圈采取正、負脈沖激勵(1、2 端),激勵時間 200ms≤t≤1s,線圈 不能持續長期通電,操作頻率不得超過每分鐘 6 次,并且脈沖應是方波,正脈 沖使觸點閉合,負脈沖使觸點斷開,線圈去激勵后,接觸器觸點狀態由產品內的永久磁鐵保持。
Product coil is excited by positive and negative pulse(1,2points), 200ms≤t≤ 1s,Long time continuous energizing is not allowed, Operation frequency no more than 6time/min,lt`s square pulse and positive pulse makes the contact close while negative pulse makes the contact open,After the excitation,the permanent magnet in product keeps the state of the contact。
使用條件 Use conditions required
04 簡要技術數據 Basic technical data